La Biblioteca - Videoteca specializzata (inclusa in quella generale a carattere prevalentemente teologico, filosofico e giuridico), relativamente al solo settore astronomia, astrofisica, cosmologia e astronautica, include oltre 1500 titoli fra cartacei e digitali con numerose opere di grande utilità scientifica.


Regolamento e consultazione - Rules and consultation

1. La biblioteca ha il carattere di biblioteca privata. Essa è riservata al Titolare, per lo svolgimento del proprio servizio, ma è accessibile gratuitamente anche ad altri studiosi che necessitino di ottenere copie di manoscritti, di libri e altro materiale grafico e cartografico in possesso della biblioteca, sia in formato cartaceo, sia digitale.

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4. Non è mai ammessa la consultazione diretta delle opere. Le stesse non vengono concesse in prestito a nessun titolo, tuttavia gli interessati possono richiedere tramite lo specifico modulo, da inviare preferibilmente via e-mail, copie totali o parziali delle stesse, purché entro i termini di legge. Di norma, il materiale di cui è stata richiesta la consultazione, viene inviato sempre per posta elettronica nel formato ritenuto più idoneo al singolo caso.

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10. Il titolare si riserva il diritto di negare l'accesso alla ricerca anche senza motivare il diniego.

11. Alle suddette norme non si accordano eccezioni di alcun genere.




1. The Library has the character of private library. It is reserved to the Owner, for his service, but it is also accessible, free of charge, to other researchers who need copies of manuscripts, books and other graphic and cartographic material in the library, both in paper and digital format.

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3. Requests from university researchers and students or other people, qualified for cultural titles and/or publications of an adequate cultural level, are admitted. It is usually required to specify the purpose of the research.

4. Direct consultation is never allowed. The texts are not granted on loan for any reason, however interested parties can request through specific form, preferably sent via e-mail, full or partial copies of the works, within the terms of law. As a rule, the material requested is always sent by e-mail in the format most suitable for the single case.

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6. As a contribution, a copy of the publications concerning the material consulted or received may be requested.

7. A maximum of three (3) searches can be made at a time regardless of the format of the works.

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9. The video library and the discotheque section cannot be consulted, nor copies of any work can be requested, not even partial.

10. The owner reserves the right to deny access to research even without reasons for refusing.

11. No exceptions of any kind are granted to the above mentioned rules.


Quello che segue è un breve, sommario e parziale elenco dei titoli disponibili (in corsivo i testi in lingua straniera):




Astronomy Encyclopedia.

Cambridge Astronomy Illustrated Dictionary.

Dictionary of Geophysics, Astrophysics and Astronomy.

Dizionario di Astronomia.

Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics.




Antonin Rukl - Atlas of the Moon.

Aranda - 3000 Deep-Sky Objects - Annotated Catalogue.

Atlante Fotografico della Luna.

Atlas of Local Group Galaxies.

Bagnall - The Star Atlas Companion.

Beginners Star Atlas Catalog.

Byrne - Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas.

Cragin - Bonanno - Uranometria 2000.0.




Finlay - Concise Catalog of Deep-sky Objects.

Harshaw - The complete CD Atlas of the Universe.

Karkoschka - The Observer Sky Atlas.

Kepple - Sanner - Night Sky Observer’s Guide - Voll. 1 - 2.

Lunar Cartographic Dossier.

Lunar Field Atlas II Ver. 2.01.

Machholz-Messier Marathon.

Mag-7 Star Atlas Project.

Moon Atlas 3.5.

Mullaney - The Cambridge Atlas of Herschel Objects.

Mullaney - Tirion - The Cambridge Double Star Atlas.

O'Meara - Deep-Sky Companions - The Caldwell Objects.

Philip's Atlas of the Universe.

Shirao - Wood - The Kaguya Lunar Atlas.


 Night Sky Observers Guide           Night Sky Observers Guide




Sinnott - Sky and Telescope - Pocket Sky Atlas.

Sky Atlas 2000.0 Twenty-Six Star Charts.

Spain - Six-Inch Lunar Atlas.

Stooke - The international Atlas of Lunar Exploration.

Stoyan - Binnewies - Atlas of the Messier Objects.

Taki Maps.

The Hatfield SCT Lunar Atlas.

Tirion - Cragin - Uranometria 2000.0 - Vol. 1.




Amelino-Camelia - Planck Scale Effects in Astrophysics and Cosmology.

Amoroso - Hunter - Gravitation and Cosmology - From Hubble Radius to Planck Scale.

Balbi - La Musica del Big Bang.

Carl Sagan - Cosmo.

D'Onofrio - Burigana - Questions of Modern Cosmology.

Davies - Los Ultimos Tres Minutos.

Fox - The Big Bang Theory.

Fre - Il fascino oscuro dell'inflazione.

Gasperini - Lezioni di Cosmologia teorica.

Gasperini - The Universe before the Big Bang.

Gravitation Cosmology and Cosmic-Ray Physics.

Hawking - Brief History of Time.

Hawking - Dal Big Bang ai Buchi neri.

Hawking - Ellis - The large scale Structure of Space-Time.

Hawking - L'universo in un guscio di noce.

Hawking - The Universe in Nutshell.

Lamberti - Capire l'universo - Cosmologia.

Lerner - The Big Bang Never Happened.

Levin - Calibrating the Cosmos.

Liddle - An Introduction to Modern Cosmology.

Longair - Cosmologia.

Meadows - The Future of the Universe.

Parker - Chaos in the Cosmos.

Thompson - From the Big Bang to the Solar System.

Trodden - Carroll - TASI Lectures - Introduction to Cosmology.

Weinberg - The First Three Minutes.


 Biblioteca digitale






Ballesteros - ET Talk.

Bertka - Esobiology and Theological Perspectives.

Carl Sagan - Un Punto Azul Palido.

Chela-Flores - The Science of Astrobiology.

Complete Course in Astrobiology.

Deeg - Extrasolar planets.

Drake Equation and Planets of Sun-like Stars.

Drake Equation Re-examined.

Encyclopedia of Astrobiology.

Firestone - SETI Scientist.

Galactic Habitable Zone.

Gary - Exoplanet Observing for Amateurs.

Giant Planets in Drake's Equation.

Rand - Habitable Planets for Man.

Halley - How Likely is Extraterrestrial Life.

Hanslmeier - Habitability and Cosmic Catastrophes.

Impey - Talking about Life Conversations.

Kitchin - Exoplanets - Finding Alien Worlds.


 Finding Alien Worlds



Life in the Universe.

Mankind age and Drake Equation.

Mason - Exoplanets Detection and Formation.

Mayor - Frei - New Worlds in the Cosmos.

Mix - Life in Space Astrobiology for all.

NASA - Detection of Extraterrestrial Life.

NATO - Perspectives in Astrobiology.

Perryman - The Exoplanet Handbook.

Popa - Between Necessity and Probability.

Possible new Extensions of the Drake formulae.

Problem of Energy Sources and Drake Equation.

Pudritz - Higgs - Planetary Systems and the Origins of Life.

Ross - The Search for Extraterrestrials.

Sagan - Carl Sagan Cosmic Connection.

Shaw - Astrochemistry from Astrobiology.

Shuch - Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Souchay - Dynamics of small Solar System Bodies and Exoplanets.

Testing the Drake Equation in Solar System.

Ulmschneider - Intelligent Life in the Universe.

Webb - Where is everybody?



Planetologia - Sistema solare

Asimov - How did we find out about Pluto.

Barlow - Mars An Introduction to Interior.

Benton - Saturn Observation.

Bhardwaj - Planetary Science Advances.

Blondel - Mason - Solar System Update.

Byrne - The Far Side of the Moon.

Capaccio - Jupiter.

Clark - Measure Solar System Objects.

Cole - Planetary Science.

Compton Britannica - New Views of the Solar System.


 New views of Solar System



Davies - Beyond Pluto.

Elkins-Tanton - Jupiter and Saturn.

Elkins-Tanton - Mars.

Elkins-Tanton - The Earth and the Moon.

Elkins-Tanton - The Sun, Mercury and Venus.

Elkins-Tanton - Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Encrenaz - The outer Planets and their Moons.

Fisher - Erickson - The Solar System.

Fleisher - Neptune.

Forget - Costard - Planet Mars.

Garlick - The story of the Solar System.

Green - Williams - Dust in the Solar System.

Gregersen - The inner Solar System.

Gregersen - The outer Solar System.

Grego - The Moon.

Hanel - Conrath - Exploration of the Solar System by Infrared.

Hansen - Jupiter.

Heiken - Vaniman - Lunar Sourcebook.

Hicks - Saturn.

Hollar - The Outer Planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

Irwin - Giant Planets of our Solar System.

Kay Carson - Exploring the Solar System.

Landolt-Bornstein - Methods Constants in Solar System.

Lew - The Dwarf Planet Pluto.

Lewis - Physics and Chemistry of the Solar System.

Littmann - Planets beyond discovering the outer Solar System.

Livio - Casertano - Planets to Cosmology.


 Io after Galileo



Lopes - Spencer - Io after Galileo.

Lorenz - Mitton - Titan Unveiled.

McAnally - Jupiter and how to observe it.

Milone - Wilson - Solar System Astrophysics.

North - Observing the Moon.

Plotner - Moonwalk with your Eyes.

Schiaparelli - Vita sul pianeta Marte.

Schilling - The hunt for Planet X.

Schmude - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Sherman - Uranus.

The Moon in Close-up.

The Planet Mars.

The Solar System Edition.

Venus and Mercury.

Vogt - Pluto a Dwarf Planet.

Vogt - Uranus.

Vázquez - Ultraviolet Radiation in Solar System.

Watson - Why is Uranus upside down.

Waxman - Saturn.

Wilkinson - The Moon in Close-up.

Woolfson - The Origin and Evolution of Solar System.



 Telescopes Eyepieces Astrographs




Astronomia e astrofisica generale

Arne - Henden - Astronomical Photometry.

Bone - Aurora Observing and Recording.

Borgia - Human Vision and the Night Sky.

Bradt - Astronomy Methods - A Physical Approach.

Buchheim - The Sky your Laboratory.

Budding - Demircan - Introduction Astronomical Photometry.

Buick - The Rainbow Sky - A Color Exploration.

Chiuderi - Einaudi - Plasma Astrophysics.

Clerke - The Herschels and Modern Astronomy.

Collins - Night Sky.

Coyne - Heller - Un Universo comprensibile.

De Angelis - L'enigma dei Raggi Cosmici.

Demetrescu - Halldorsson - Algorithm ESA 2011.


 The cosmic microwave background




Durrer - The Cosmic Microwave Background.

Ferragina - Algorithms ESA 2012.

Foust - LaFon - Astronomers Computer Companion.

Freeman - Mcnamara - Search of Dark Matter.

Fundamental Astronomy.

Fundamentals of Astrometry.

Gater - The Cosmic Keyhole.

Glass - Revolutionaries of the Cosmos - The Astro-Physicists.

Grice - Touch the Universe - NASA Braille Book of Astronomy.

Guicciardini - The Development of Newtonian Calculus in Britain - 1770-1800.

Guy Consolmagno - Brother Astronomer Adventures.

Irwin - Astrophysics Decoding the Cosmos.

Keel - The Sky at Einstein's Feet.

Klapdor-Kleingrothaus - Dark Matter in Astro and Particle Physics.

Lagrange - Oeuvres.

Lemoine - Sigl - Introduction to Cosmic Rays.

Martens - Kepler's Philosophy and New Astronomy.

Mason - Astrophysics Update 2.

Maunder - Lights in the Sky.

Meeus - Astronomical Algorithms.

Meeus - Astronomical Formulae for Calculators.



 Astronomical formulae for calculators




Morbidelli - Modern Celestial Mechanics.

Morison - Introduction to Astronomy and Cosmology.

Osservazione Radioastronomica.

Padmanabhan - Theoretical Astrophysics.

Palen - Theory and Problems of Astronomy.

Papantonopoulos - The Invisible Universe.

Perryman - Astronomical Applications of Astrometry.

Perryman - The making of History's Greatest Star Map.

Rau - Astronomy-inspired Atomic and Molecular Physics.

Riccioli - Astronomia Reformata.

Rottman - The Geometry of Light.

Roy - Clarke - Astronomy Principles and Practice.

Ruffini - Sigismondi - Nonlinear Gravitodynamics - The Lense-Thirring Effect.

Sanz - Present and Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background.

Schneider - Extragalactic Astronomy and Cosmology.

Schroeder - La Loi de la Gravitation universelle.

Schulz - From Dust to Stars.

Scientific american - Magnificent Cosmos.

Sigismondi - Astronomia del Venerdì Santo.

Sigismondi - Astronomia nei Vangeli.

Starck - Murtagh - Handbook of Astronomical Data Analysis.

The Chemical Cosmos.

The Mysterious Universe.

Thompson - Fritchman - Astronomy Hacks.

Thronson - Astrophysics in the Next Decade.

Vedrenne - Atteia - Gamma-Ray Burst.

Wall - Jenkins - Practical Statistics for Astronomers.

Wheeler - Cosmic Catastrophes.

Wielebinski - Cosmic Magnetic Fields.

Woltjer - Europe Quest for the Universe.



 Documenti del processo a Galilei





Storia dell'Astronomia

Airy - Autobiography.

Aubin - Observatories and Astronomy in Century.

Ball - Great Astronomers.

Geymonat - Galileo Galilei.

Grego - Mannion - Galileo and 400 Years of the Telescope.

Heck - Multinational History of Strasbourg Observatory.

Lang - Astronomycal Chronology and Glossary.

McNeese - Galileo Renaissance Scientist and Astronomers.

Motz - Weaver - The Story of Astronomy.

Pagano - Luciani - Documenti del Processo Galilei.

Roberto Buonanno - La fine dei cieli di cristallo.

Ruggles - Ancient Astronomy.

Schiaparelli - Notizie sulla Specola di Brera.

Schiaparelli - Storia dell'astronomia antica, Vol. 1.

Schiaparelli - Storia dell'astronomia antica, Vol. 2.

Schiaparelli - Storia dell'astronomia antica, Vol. 3.

Thoren - Christianson - The Lord of Uraniborg.

Voelkel - Johannes Kepler and the new Astronomy.




 2009 Year of Astronomy

International Year of Astronomy - 2009

The Universe... Yours to Discover